发布时间:2018年10月15日 17:30 作者: 浏览:

    自新时代全国高等学校本科教育工作会议召开以来,各相关院校都在思考 “双一流”背景下设计学科的发展走向,(中国)有限责任韦德网站设计学科在荣获省级一流学科之际,为进一步推进我国设计教育的高质量发展,(中国)有限责任韦德网站设计艺术学院,(中国)有限责任韦德网站博士后科研工作站,拟于2018年12月中旬举办(中国)有限责任韦德网站首届“可持续设计及高质量发展”国际研讨会暨博士论坛。   我们特邀国际国内知名专家出席国际研讨会共同研讨“可持续设计及高质量发展”议题,并诚挚邀请海内外博士研究生、博士、博士后携带相关学术论文出席本次论坛,届时将请特邀知名专家对论坛发言者进行点评。


Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss  :
    Since the the new era of the undergraduate’s eduction and teaching working meeting of nation’s colleges and universities, all colleges and universities began to think that how to build the scientific discipline based on the fist-class universities and disciplines of the world. And the design discipline of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (SFAI) has won the provincial first-class honor. To further promote the high quality development of design education in China, The Sichuan Fine Arts Institute 1st International Symposium on Design for Sustainability and High-quality Development and Doctoral Forum will be hosted by College of Design, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and postdoctoral workstation of SFAI during the December 2018. Specifically, we will invite the well-know experts to discuss the topic “Design for Sustainability and High-quality Development” And we sincerely invite doctoral students, doctors and postdocs at home and abroad to bring relevant academic papers. At that time, we will hire famous Ph.D. supervisor at home and abroad to give comments.

Looking forward to your reply!


一 . 主要议题

1. 可持续设计与高质量发展
2. 人工智能与设计研究
3. 国家战略与城乡关系塑造
4. 古代设计智慧的深化研究

Main topics

1. Design for Sustainability and High-quality Development
2. Artificial Intelligence and Design Studies
3. National Strategy and construct the relations between city and countries
4. further research on ancient design wisdom



二 . 组织机构



Organizational Chart

Host Unit: Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
Sponsoring Units: College of Design, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
                                Postdoctoral Workstation, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

三 . 参会形式





How to attend the forum
1. Papers:
Participants are required to submit a paper that has yet to be published and promised that submit papers no infringement of intellectual property rights,
illegal, in violation of the content of academic ethics.
Within the range, include: title, author, abstract, key words, main body, reference, biography (name, birthplace, birth, gender, Institute of Doctoral Programme, Position, education, research fields, contact, etc.)

2. Participants should fill out the application form and submit the title, abstract (300 words), key words of the paper. Please send the application form to Email. The application deadline is October 31th 2018.

3.The deadline for paper submission is November 20th 2018. The conference group will send a formal invitation letter after the expert review. The author who will be officially invited will be the guest hosts for the forum and host unit responsible for their accommodation and travel expenses during the forum.


四 . 日程安排


Registration Time: before 31/10/2018
Deadline: 20/11/2018
Forum Date: 12/2018
Location:Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

五 . 论坛发言


Set the speaking time to 15-20 minutes, and suggest prepare PPT.
The well-know experts, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows who intend to participate in the forum come from University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, Royal College of Art, University of Dundee, Georgia Institute of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, Tsinghua University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Art, Tongji University, etc.

七 . 联系方式

会务组邮箱: design@scfai.edu.cn

Phone number: 023-65920065
E-mail: design@scfai.edu.cn


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